viernes, 21 de mayo de 2010

Paco Peregrín, simply amazing!

Nace en Almería, se licencia en Bellas Artes en Sevilla y amplía su formación en prestigiosos centros de : International Center Of Photography (NYC), Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design (Londres), CAAC, Fundació Pilar i Joan Miró a Mallorca, CAF, UCM, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, EFTI, Centro Andaluz de Arte Seriado, etc. Comienza su carrera fotográfica tras varios años dedicado a la pintura, el teatro, el diseño y la comunicación.
Sus Clientes: Adidas, Nike, Lee, Levi'S, Vögele Shoes, Gant, Mazda, Toyota, EMI Music, Cosmopolitan TV, AENA, Universidad de Sevilla, RENFE, Unión Fenosa, María Barros, Cosentino, Jacinto Usán, Uponor, Paramita, Carlsberg, Antonio García, etc.
Revistas donde ha publicado: Zink (USA), Vanity Fair (Italia), Glamour, Neo2, Vanidad, Hint (USA), Vision (China), Rolling Stone, DT, Edelweiss (Suiza), Tendencias, FHM, Zero, La Revista 40, Cinemanía, Eyemazing (Holanda), Flux (UK), Inspire (Eslovaquia), The Red Flag (Alemania), Avenue Illustrated, etc.
Para mí este hombre es buenisimo! las fotografias fueron publicadas en la revista NEO2
me parecen simplemente increibles...
- He is a Bachelor of Fine Arts at Seville University and extends his formation in image and new means of expression in recognized centres of prestige such as International Center Of Photography (NYC), Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design (London), CAAC, Fundació Pilar i Joan Miró a Mallorca, CAF, UCM, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, EFTI, etc. which were directed by personalities of international stature.
He began his photographic career after some years dedicated to the painting, the theatre, the design and the communication.
Peregrín works as a photographer and art director for clients like Nike, Diesel, Adidas, Lee, Vögele, Gant, Mazda, Toyota, Levi's, EMI Music, Cosmopolitan TV, Jacinto Usán, Maria Barros, Cosentino, Paramita, Carlsberg, Antonio García, etc.
He publishes for recognized magazines as Glamour, Zink (USA), Rolling Stone, Neo2 (Spain), Eyemazing (the Netherlands), Vision (China), Vanity Fair (Italy), Edelweiss (Switzerland), Vanidad (Spain), Hint (USA), FHM (Spain), Flux (UK), DT (Spain), Zero (Spain) Inspire (Slovakia), The Red Flag (Germany), Avenue Illustrated (Spain) or Tendencias (Spain).
For me Paco Peregrín is simply amazing!

1 comentario:

  1. this styling is crazy cool!
    and i know its still spring but i cant wait for summer its just around the corner and i want to run to it!
